Protection for transgender employees have expanded in recent years. Increased awareness and proper training can significantly reduce the risk of violations while improving the conditions for transgender employees.
California’s employment discrimination protections are found primarily in the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). FEHA prohibits harassment and discrimination in employment based on sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation and perceived sexual orientation. It also prohibits retaliation for protesting illegal discrimination related to one of these categories.
Furthermore, FEHA makes it illegal for an employer to refuse to hire or employ a person; to discharge someone from employment; or to discriminate in compensation, in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of the person’s gender identity.
California employers need to remain cognizant of the ever-expanding gender-identity protections that safeguard employees’ rights.
David Payab, Esq. from The Law Offices of Payab & Associates can be reached @ (818) 918-5522 or by visiting